I expected Copenhagen, Denmark to be, as the song says, wonderful. I had not thought, however, of the expected joy in terms of brain science and dopamine. With the help of author Helen Russell’s The Year of Living Danishly, I offer a few words on the impact of the Bauhaus School and resulting design movement that we at HH live, celebrate, and encourage as part of our passion and our mission of service and education. The Danish government supports design as a high priority recognizing it is “important for well-being and happiness. Research shows that great art and design can induce the same brain activity as being in love – something Denmark cottoned on to 90-odd years ago.” Russell goes on to say, design is “internalised in the consciousness. We (Danes) are simply used to having nice surroundings” and they put emphasis on “having a clear, clear, sleek designer home,” seeing it as “playing a part in the Danes’ chart-topping quality of life.”
Hamilton Hill clients and team can carry stimulating, and conversely soothing, design with them. Type a blog entry looking at your Niessing Performance ring (yes, I’m captivated by my ring right now!). Delight in a tangle of simple Niessing Colette bracelets. See that Henrich + Denzel Tenda ring, marvel at its playful movement. Bauhaus design is often quirky and playful, too.
Increasingly, I see more public place and residential modern design. One thing I often notice is sinks (see below for form and function getting it so right at the Danish Design Museum).
In the spirit of less is more, words that is, I’ll turn now to photos that remind me what it feels like to be in dop(amine) Copenhagen. Enjoy and be in touch with your take on modernist design!
-Sarah Hill