“Thank you for being here.” “We’re so glad you’re here.” “How is business? Are you doing okay?” And so forth.
These are words we hear every day from Hamilton Hill clients. And in response to their concern and gratitude, we say “yes, all’s well, and THANKS, but more thanks right back to YOU!” It takes two and we love dancing with you! Your patronage, emotional support, and friendship allow us to practice our art and craft, earn a living (interesting term when you think about it), and be part of the Durham community of merchants, giving and taking tangible and intangible gifts every day.
So, again, big thanks to you for trusting us with your jewelry, from repairs of precious pieces to new gifts, and by extension, with the currencies of our lives.
PS: Yesterday we received a thank-you note from a client (again, no no, thank you!) telling how she wept, serious boohooing, when her hubby surprised her with an HH gift. We’ll keep this card on the bulletin board for a while and in our hearts forever.
-Sarah Hill