The mystique of jewelry has been with us since the dawn of human history. Every ancient culture unearthed comes alive when we discover its remarkable jewelry. The Egyptians, the Greeks, the Inca as well as modern cultures today, all share a love of adorning ourselves with things of beauty and meaning.
Jewelry’s mystique has played a major role in my life for as long as I can remember. From rummaging through anyone and everyone’s jewelry box as a little girl, to losing myself in the creative process at my workbench today, jewelry always represents beauty, meaning and treasure.
We wear jewelry for all kinds of reasons; to symbolize our commitment to a loved one (wedding and engagement rings), to honor milestone accomplishments (graduation rings), and most often, just because it looks beautiful and feels good! Jewelry can be formal, it can be frivolous, classical or modernist. It tells a story about who we are and how we see beauty. I often wear a long gold chain inherited from my mother. It reminds me of her, of my dad gifting it to her, and it is simply my treasure.
I get to share my love of jewelry with everyone who comes into Hamilton Hill. Whether it’s the quest for the perfect birthday present, the “just because” personal reward, or finding the way to give new life to a well-worn piece, it’s all part of the mystique that never grows old!
-Sheila, Sales Associate and Designer-